Paid/Unpaid Coaching Position Guidelines
The following must be completed prior to attending practices, helping at practice,and or being on the sideline at games!!
Year 1 Requirements:
Fill out a Non-School Employees Application—included in the packet
Valid First Aid--see print-out #1 course offering no cost
Valid CPR--see print-out #1 course offering no cost
Workshop-- Concussion Management &Certificate—go to and complete the free online concussion training for coaches—this will take approx. 1 hour and has a certificate to complete at the end
Workshop– Child Abuse & Certificate—please see print-out #2 and keep the receipt for reimbursement of payment
Workshop– School Violence Intervention and Prevention & Certificate-- please see print-out #2 and keep the receipt for reimbursement of payment
Fingerprint Clearance—Contact Lisa Sibirtzeff 845-456-1100 ext. 5128 for this information
Board of Education Approval is the last step in the process
Year 2 Requirements:
Coaching Certification Process Begins
Philosophy Course enrolled or completed
1st Temporary License Applied
Year 3 Requirements:
Coaching Certification Process Continues
Health Sciences Course enrolled or completed
Year 4 Requirements:
Coaching Certification Process Continues
Theory& Techniques Course enrolled or completed for the specific sport