Art Show

Along with Art Teacher, Andrew Latini, several students from JSHS had the opportunity for their Artwork to be displayed at the County-Wide Art show held at Bethel Woods from April 11th to April 14th. Mr. Latini would like to recognize all the students for their work, and congratulate all of the award winners.

Nice job to all!

Gwynaeth Andersen:

  • Artist Choice Award- Ceramics

  • Artist Choice Award- Black & White Drawing

  • Student Choice Award- Black & White Drawing

Sophie Deyermond:

  • Artist Choice Award- Ceramics

Kylie Feeney:

  • Artist Choice Award & Student Choice Award- Digital Art

Kaitlyn McGarry:

  • Artist Choice Award- Sculpture

Logan Amato:

  • Student Choice Award- Black & White Photography

Alyena Galvin-Bliefernich:

  • Artist Choice Award- Painting

Art ShowArt ShowArt ShowArt ShowArt ShowArt ShowArt ShowArt ShowArt Show 10